Faith over Fear
Feb 17, 2016
I'm finally back in Australia after my trip to South-Africa. I had some awe-inspiring adventures in the Bushveld (more on that later), but the experience I'd most like to share with you, is an event of anguish and paralysing fear, and the immense power of an unyielding faith that all is well, no matter what!
About two days before my return to Australia, I received word that my one-year old grandson had been airlifted to the Royal Children's Hospital in Brisbane with suspected meningitis. At that time baby Chase wasn't breathing on his own, and it was clear from my communications with my daughter that the prognosis was dire. He was admitted to the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), where a team of specialists attended to him. He was subjected to a lumbar puncture, CT scans and a number of ultrasounds. They struggled to administer an IV because his veins kept collapsing, and after more than 30 attempts, and when all other options were exhausted, a femoral line was inserted, which was quite a painful procedure in itself.
It's hard to describe the emotions I felt when I thought of what that little body was going through. There was a part of me that was paralysed with the fear of losing Chase... and another part of me that was rational enough to know that I had to practice everything I knew about conquering fear. I didn't want to sent out that kind of negative energy into the universe, and I recognised that my daughter and grandson needed to lean on my faith. But I have to tell you... I had to work at dealing with the terror that threatened to engulf me. The only thing that I could think of doing was practicing faith. And that became my mantra: faith over fear... faith over fear...
At the same time I requested prayers in our Soulwoman Circles tribe, and was met with an outpouring of love. I couldn't get back to Australia any sooner than I'd originally planned, but as I worked at managing my feelings of fear, I was able to access this deep, unshakable KNOWING that all was well. I was absolutely calm, meditating non-stop, and sending positive thoughts to Chase across time and space. I kept reassuring him that he wasn't alone, that angels were attending to him, and all he had to do was simply rest in our love.
Just before boarding my plane to Sydney, I was informed that meningitis had been ruled out, and that Chase was breathing on his own. Two abscesses were found in this throat that had become septic, but at least they knew what to treat him for. He was pumped full of antibiotics, and slowly started to recover. By the time I reached Australia, he was already out of PICU, and a couple of days later, I received a photo of him sitting up in his hospital bed, clearly on his way back to health and wellbeing.
My gratitude is immense.
I'm utterly thankful for his recovery, and I'm so pleased that I knew how to manage my fear so I didn't fall apart, and instead remained in a space of resolute faith throughout the whole ordeal.
In faith,
Mia xo
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