Fear of Failure? Rediscover Your Creative Vibe

creativity self-care for the soul soulwoman soulwomancircles Feb 17, 2016

Did you know that when we come into the world as babies, we only have two fears? The fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. All of our other fears are collected along the way in life, when we’re exposed to something in a negative way. 

One of the main fears that holds so many of us back is ‘failure’. We have dreams and desires and aspirations, but we allow the fear of failure to keep us safe in our comfort zones. 

Whatever the stimulus, our confidence was chipped and we began to hold back. Eventually we held back so much that we stopped thriving in that area at all. We gave up.

We assumed the lead role in a new story: 

“I’m not creative." 
“I’m not artistic/musical” 
"I can't write/paint/draw/cook/make"

The fun we used to have with the activity we once loved became the first casualty in this new plot. The door to this creative outlet closed.

It closed the minute we decided that our creativity was a performance for others. With that pressure came a quest for perfection. And with perfection comes fear. 

One of the best ways for us to embrace creativity in our lives again is to turn inwards for it. Draw or paint or write or sing or sew or cook for ourselves.

May I suggest a ritual to help you liberate your creativity from its confines?

Choose a time when you’re alone, and settle into a comfortable space. You may like to begin with a period of quiet meditation or silence. 

When you’re ready write the word ‘PERFECT’ on a slip of paper. For a few moments, take the time to acknowledge that striving for perfection has been a way that you have stayed safe. It’s been a way of avoiding risk and failure. Your best interests were always at heart…

Now, decide that PERFECT has no place in your life any more. It has served its purpose. Thank it, and let it go… You may like to symbolise this by burning the piece of paper or by erasing the word or shredding the page.

It’s time for a new belief now. A belief in your innate and child-like ability to immerse yourself in a creative activity just for you, and to have fun with it. 

Give yourself permission to create again, completely free of standards. Allow yourself to experiment and grow and learn in a direction led only by your true passions…

How might this look?

Perhaps a trip to the art store is in order. Maybe you’ll dig out your old sheet music and dust off the piano. You might open a new document on your computer and type ‘Chapter One’… 

It’s all for you. For your eyes and ears and heart. 

And we’d so love to hear from you when you do this. We’d love to know about the old passions you’re re-igniting, or the new ones you’re falling for…

Because your creativity has been right there with you, all along.


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